Pantheon-Mail stretches horizontally across screen eOS

I read about this error before but never faced it, until today.

I ran a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to make my lap up to date. and ended up with to problems. Hopefully I can Fix them. 1. Pantheon-Mail now stretches horizontally across the screen. 2. when I click “network settings” from drop-down menu of network icon on wing panel, it opens “system settings”.

after a brief googling I found solution for the first one.

kill or close pantheon-mail then run the following command on terminal.

dconf reset -f /org/pantheon/mail/

Which will reset the settings of Mail to default. For me after running this it was solved.

(some user said this is not a permanent solution and i may have to run the same when it appears again! )

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